Helping People

Fight for right causes

What we do

We aim to provide groceries, amenities and appliances to low-income familes. We nedd your help

Help The Helpless

Add a share to our charity program with your donation for heping needy people.your zakat is in safe hands

Save The Children

Save the children from dying hungry with your donation.You can bring happiness to all faces with your donation

Donation For Poor

Donate for all poor people who are hard to live with respect.Your donation will give you double in returnn

Our Donation partners

About us

A Commitment to Promote Peace and HarmonyThe Global Dawah Channel

ITVusa began its journey with the mission to propagate the inherent love and peace that Islam embodies. We are committed to contribute toward the well being of humanity within our reach so that everyone can realize the benefit of living in a society without prejudice.

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